Buying a Truck For Your Small Business—5 Important Things to Look For

Hi, my name is David, and I love power and performance. Want to boost the power on your car? Check out these posts. They should help and inspire you!

Buying a Truck For Your Small Business—5 Important Things to Look For

27 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Buying a truck is a huge investment for any small business. A good truck can be a vital asset for your small business. It can help with transportation of raw materials and timely delivery of finished goods. If you're about to buy a truck, this article will help you understand the key things to look out for in order to buy the right vehicle for your needs. Read all about them below:


Mileage here refers to the distance a truck has covered so far. Mileage is a preferable indicator of a truck's age as opposed to the date of manufacture or prior purchase. With mileage, you get to understand just how much use the truck has withstood. The mileage will often be quoted in terms of kilometers or miles. Of course, a high mileage figure does not necessarily mean that the truck is a bad pick; the truck could be well-maintained, better than trucks with lower mileage.

Gross vehicle mass

Gross vehicle mass (GVM) is a legal term used to describe just how much weight a truck can carry. GVM is often quoted in terms of Kilos or tonnes. As a prospective buyer, the GVM of a truck helps you gauge whether a truck can fit your transportation needs or not. It's always better to choose truck with GVM slightly higher than your needs warrant, just to make sure your transportation needs are met.

Service history

As with any vehicle purchase, a look at the service history is important. This information will help you establish if the truck has been maintained in good condition, or not. A poor service history may indicate that the truck has deeper issues which may cost you some money to fix down the road. In addition to the service history, an overall pre-purchase inspection by a truck mechanic will help verify that the vehicle is in good condition.

Horsepower (hp)

Depending on your work needs, the horsepower of a truck helps you understand a few things: how much speed it can pick up and how well it can handle full loads (especially in uphill or rough terrain conditions). With that said, if you need a 'workhorse' for your business, a truck with a higher horsepower is a better pick. However, note that the higher the horsepower, the higher the fuel consumption.

Truck design & other extras

Lastly, evaluate the truck design and any extras it may have. For example, a full body truck will allow you to carry pallet loads or ferry refrigerated goods, as compared to a half-body or a flat bed truck. On the other hand, a flat bed mini truck is more ideal for bulky or abnormal cargo, as opposed to a truck with a closed body. Other important additions to look for in the truck's design include: tipper function, automated tail lift and tilt bed functions.

Once you have evaluated the above considerations, you can then decide if the truck is fairly priced and commence purchase negotiations. Consult a truck sales representative to learn more about your options.

About Me
Maximum Power and Performance in Your Vehicle: Repairs and Upgrades

Hi, my name is David, and I love power and performance. When I drive, I want the ability to just push the gas pedal to the floor, feel the vehicle roar beneath me and feel like I can conquer the world. However, as I have always owned used cars, that sometimes can be a challenge. Luckily, through the years, I have learned ways to use auto services to my advantage. I know about the repairs you need for improved performance, and I know which aftermarket parts can help as well. Want to boost the power on your car? Then, hang out and check out these posts. They should help and inspire you!
